The Template Builder is currently only available to the Beta Testing Group.
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With our upgraded Client Forms in the Template Builder, you can now completely transform your client intake process. Customisable to suit your business needs, the form collects all of the information you need and updates the Client Profile when completed.
Clients can complete the form via email or SMS before their appointment, or on a tablet in the waiting room.
Follow the steps below to create a Client Form.
Creating a New Client Form
1. Navigate to Setup.
2. Click on Create Template under Extensions.
3. Click Create Template from the bottom-right of the page to start building templates.
4. Select Client Forms from the first drop-down.
5. Select the Locations from where the form should be available.
6. Select the Approval process to determine what will happen once the client has completed the form. This will be either:
- Require Staff Approval (recommended so that new information can be reviewed before being saved and potentially overwriting existing information): A notification in the Diary will require the information to be Reviewed and Accepted before changes are saved by clicking Accept, or rejected by clicking Reject.
- Automatically Update Client Profile + Notification: Information will be saved in the Client Profile, and you will receive a notification in the Diary. In the Client Profile, new information will be outlined in red - this information will be saved once you click Save Changes.
7. Enter a Template Name to help you identify the form.
8. Click Save.
Building the Client Form
1. To begin building the Client Form, click on an Element from the right-side menu and Drag and Drop it onto the blank form. Continue adding Elements until your form includes all desired fields.
After adding your first Element, an End Section Element will be added automatically to ensure the form includes the minimum required Finish and Back buttons.
Any Elements added after the End Section will be moved onto a new page. This is visible only when the form is in Preview mode and when the Client is completing it.
2. Re-order Elements by clicking on the Up-Down arrow of an Element and then Drag and Drop where required.
3. To change the Visibility of a field on the form, click Customise on the right-side menu and expand the Element. Then toggle the slide next to the field from green (visible) to grey (not visible) or vice versa.
4. To select whether a field should be Required, click Customise on the right-side menu and expand the Element. Ensure the checkbox is ticked if the client is required to complete the field or unticked if the client is not required to complete the field.
Hot Tip
For explanations and customisation options for all Elements, see Elements of Client Forms in the Template Builder.
5. To personalise the form's colour theme, click Colours on the right-side menu and select from the Default colour options in each drop-down menu.
Hot Tip
To select a colour that is not included in the Default list, click on the Circle icon and use the colour picker.
6. Add a Name to your custom theme and Save.
7. Use the Reset button to revert to the Default colour theme if required.
8. To Delete an Element from the form, click on the Bin icon.
9. Preview the form using the Build toggle.
10. While in Preview mode, click on each page from the right-side menu under Pages to preview the form as the client will see it.
11. When you are happy with your changes or want to save your work and return to it later, click Save.
12. You will now see the list of current Enabled and Disabled Templates.
Once your Client Form is ready, see Using Client Forms Created in the Template Builder for more information on the processes and different options for Clients to access the Form.
Accessing Legacy Client Forms
If you would like to return to the Legacy Client Form functionality simply click the Legacy Client Forms button.