Booking an appointment for an existing Client in Nookal can be done with just a few clicks. It is also possible to quickly book recurring appointments.
Rebooking From a Previous Appointment
Before you start...
When rebooking an appointment this way, the appointment will default to the same Case and Service of the selected appointment. If this is not what is required, open the New Appointment and change the Case/Service and Save Changes.
1. Click on a previous Appointment to open the Appointment window.
2. In the appointment Classic view, click on the Appointment tab.
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With Fresh view, simply click Rebook at the bottom of the Appointment window.
3. Click Rebook Appointment.
4. Click on an available time slot in the appropriate Day/Provider Diary column.
5. In the pop-up warning that opens, click No to book a single appointment or Yes to continue rebooking appointments for this Client.
Hot Tips
If this notice is displayed at the top of the Diary, clicking in the Diary will book more appointment. Press "Esc" at any time to stop rebooking appointments.
Rebooking a Client Without a Recent Booking
1. Go to the Diary.
2. Click on an available slot in the appropriate Day/Provider Diary column.
3. Enter the First Name and/or the Last Name of the Client in the appropriate field.
4. Click on the appropriate Client in the list of Clients that match the name.
Hot Tips
Confirm it is the right Client with the date of birth displayed on the right if in the Client Profile.
The Appointment Type and Case will default to the most recent booking.
5. If required, select a different Case or Create a New one. Click here for further guidance on Cases.
6. If required, click on the Appointment Type to change it.
7. Click Create Appointment.
The appointment will be added to the Diary
Booking Recurring Appointments
1. Click on the Appointment to open the Appointment window.
2. Click on the Appointment tab and select Recurring Appointments.
Hot Tips
With Fresh view, simply click Add Recurring at the right-hand side of the Appointment window.
3. Select the Consultation Type, Booking Duration, Frequency, Number of Repetitions and Days of Recurrence for this appointment.
4. Click Check Dates under Availability Status to make sure the Provider is available on these days at the selected time.
If Check Dates is not selected, the Recurring Bookings will not be added after clicking Save.
5. Review the selected available dates and click Save.
Booked appointments will be added to the Diary and can be viewed in the Client's Bookings section.