One of Medipass' functionalities is to process private health insurance claims and gap payments, without the need for a terminal. This is especially useful when a terminal is not accessible when visiting a client or when conducting a telehealth session.
Processing Private Health Insurance Claim
Within Medipass, Private health insurance claims are processed with Healthpoint Digital which allows to key in the private insurer details and to process the gap payment, all simultaneously and without the need of a terminal.
Before you start...
Setting up the Medipass integration is essential prior to processing any payments or claims via Medipass.
1. In the Diary open the booking and click Generate Invoice.
2. Edit or add items if required and click Pay with Medipass.
3. Select Healthpoint.
4. Tick the Item and click Pay with Medipass.
5. The Medipass portal will open. It will be pre-filled with the Client's details from Nookal, edit or add details if required.
6. If it is the first time the private health fund is claimed for this Client, select the Health Fund and add the Membership number, patient number and card issue date and issue number.
Hot Tips
The Health Fund details will be saved for future claims.
7. Scroll down and click Continue to Payment.
9. The screen will display the health fund benefit paid and confirmed the SMS has been sent to the Client to complete the transaction. The invoice status will be set as Pending.
The Client has 15 minutes to complete the transaction or it will be cancelled.
10. The SMS sent to the Client will include a link to Medipass. The client needs to click on the link.
11. In Medipass, the Client will see the item description and price as well as the benefit paid by the health fund. They will be prompted to enter their Credit Card details to process the gap payment and click Approve.
Once the transaction is approved, the invoice will automatically reconcile and close.
The History tab will display all activity on the claim.