In Nookal, each Location can have different Time Slots in the Diary to accommodate booking availability.
Before you start...
It is recommended to set the Diary Time Slot so that most if not all bookings (Classes, Services, Events) start and end at the start or the end of a time slot in the Diary.
Hot Tips
If you have bookings that run for different durations, select the Diary Time Slot with the lowest common denominator for all booking types. For example, for a practice that does 30 and 45 minute bookings the lowest common denominator is 15 minutes, so in this case a 15 minute Diary Time Slot should be selected.
Diaries are set to slots of 15 minutes by default. If this isn't suitable for the practice, see below how to change Diary Time Slot.
1. Go to Setup.
2. Click Locations under Practice.
3. Click on the Location Name in the list.
4. Click on the Diary Time Slot drop-down.
5. Select the appropriate slot duration between 5 and 30 minutes.
6. Click Save Changes.
This needs to be done for each Location separately.