To make an adjustment to an invoice, follow the simple steps listed below. The same steps apply when adding a discount once the invoice has been raised. Discounts added after an invoice has been raised will need to be added manually.
Do not use the Adjust total option if the payment has already been recorded as this will lead to an Account Credit and duplicate the amount in the Banking Report. If the payment has been recorded, use the Refund Payment option and tick the Adjust Balance so that the total of the item is adjusted. An account credit can still be added. See Processing a Refund for more details.
1. Select the item which requires amending.
2. Click Adjust Total.
3. Key in the New total amount.
4. Enter an Adjustment description (will be displayed on the invoice).
5. Enter a Reason for the adjustment (optional, will not be shown on the invoice).
6. Click Save.
7. Verify that the adjusted total is correct. The amount of the adjustment will also be shown in the transaction. These amounts will be displayed in orange.
8. To view all Payments and Adjustments made to an Invoice, click on Invoice History otherwise click Close at the bottom left to close the Invoice.
If a payment has already been made, use the refund option, for more details refer to Processing a Refund.