Before you start...
Please ensure you complete this step immediately following every Trial or Final Conversion on your Nookal Account. Your Nookal Account cannot be used until your have reviewed and approved that the data has been converted successfully.
Carefully reviewing your data is critical to a successful conversion process.
This doesn't mean you will need to check every entry, however, we do recommend checking at least 10 records of each data type that you've had converted.
To be as thorough as possible, make sure to check each data type you've had converted.
The following guide should help you identify if any data is missing or malformed for each data type.
1. Check Your Clients, Contacts, and Staff
Navigate to the Clients, Contacts, and Staff sections and check:
- Titles, First, and Last Name.
- Contact Numbers (Phone, Mobile, etc.) are formatted correctly.
- Address, State, Country, and Postcode are correct.
- That their Date of Birth is correct and formatted properly.
2. Check Your Locations
Navigate to the Locations section and check:
- That the total number of Locations matches your previous system.
- That all Locations are labelled correctly.
3. Check Your Appointments
Navigate to the Diary to check that appointments:
- Are scheduled with the correct Client and Staff member.
- Are scheduled at the correct time and date.
- If Services/Classes lists where migrated check the appointment is associated to the correct Service or Class type.
4. Check Your Clinical Notes
Navigate to the Clients Clinical Notes History and check:
- That their Clinical Notes are in chronological order.
- That their Clinical Notes are formatted correctly.
5. Check Your Services, Classes, and Inventory
Navigate to the Services, Classes and Inventory sections and check:
- That the Title, Price, and Tax of the item is correct.
- That the Duration of the Services and Classes are correct.
6. Check Your Client Invoices
Navigate to the Clients Accounts section and check:
- That invoices are associated to the correct Client with the correct balance.
Still uncertain?
If you've come across any incorrect or malformed data as a result of your data conversion please contact as soon as possible for assistance.