Your Nookal Account has convenient data import tools that allow you to import Client and Contact data at any time.
Whether you have data exported from a previous software platform or stored in a spreadsheet, as long as it's in CSV format you can easily import it into Nookal yourself.
CSV formatted files can be created within programs such as Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, and other spreadsheet software programs.
Before you start...
Our import tools can only import Client Demographics and Contact Details. If you wish to migrate additional data, check out our Data Conversion service, and Spreadsheet Import service.
When the CSV file is ready, it can be uploaded by following the instructions below.
1. Navigate to Manage.
2. Click Import under Data.
3. Select which type of data will be imported, Clients or Contacts.
4. Click Choose file.
5. Browse your computer files and select the correct CSV file.
6. Click Upload. The title of your selected file will be displayed.
These next steps are very important to make sure the import is accurate.
7. Select which Location your data will be connected to: All Locations or one specific Location.
8. Select if the uploaded document has a Header or not. The header is the first row in the CSV file and usually contains a description of the data in the columns below.
9. Choose if the data should be added to existing data in the Nookal account or if the new data will replace the existing data.
If the option to Delete Clients is selected, All Existing Clients will be Deleted and it is irreversible.
10. Verify that each field of data fields contains the right type of data under the CSV Data column.
Make sure the dates are in the proper format (DD/MM/YYYY) as displayed below. They are often formatted as standard numbers when exported to a CSV file. If this is the case, the format will need to be changed using a spreadsheet software (e.g. Microsoft Excel). This formatting change needs to be done prior to importing the data, otherwise the data will not be recognised and the date fields will not be imported.
11. If the CSV Data doesn't match the Nookal Data column, click on the relevant drop-down to select the correct data type.
Hot Tips
In this example, the Nookal Data column is First Name but the CSV Data column is Middle Name.1. Click on the Middle Name drop-down and update this to First Name.
2. The Nookal Data column and the CSV Data column are now matching correctly.
12. After verifying that each data field contains the correct type of data click Add Data.
13. A pop-up window will confirm the upload is being processed. Click OK.
14. The Upload Queue will show the files pending. It can take a few minutes to a few hours to be uploaded depending on the amount of data to be uploaded.
15. Once the upload is Completed, the status will be updated.
16. Now that the data has been added to Nookal, it is extremely important to Check Your Data to make sure it appears as expected.
Discover more...
To enquire about the possibility of importing additional data types, check out our Data Conversion service, and Spreadsheet Import service.