The following instructions are for the New Online Bookings system. For information on Setting up Locations for the Legacy Online Bookings system please click here.
The Online Bookings Location setup allows you to configure Online Bookings Policies and Settings specific to each Location.
Before you start...
Make sure Staff, Services and Classes are enabled for Online Bookings before proceeding with the below instructions.
Please follow the steps below to enable and configure Locations for Online Bookings.
Selecting Online Booking Policies
1. Go to Setup.
2. Click Online Bookings - New under Extensions.
3. When setting up a Location for the first time, click on the Inactive tab and then click the Location name.
4. Under Policies select Active to enable the Location.
5. Choose whether or not to allow New Client Registrations online by selecting Blocked or Allowed under Registration.
6. Choose whether or not to allow Clients to join the Waiting List by selecting Blocked or Allowed under Waiting List.
7. Select the hours of Lead Time for Clients to make bookings. Lead Time is the minimum time required between the current time and the first available time offered for bookings.
8. Select the Minimum Cancellation Time, which applies for Clients wanting to cancel an Online Booking. The Minimum Cancellation Time is the number of hours required for cancellation between the current time and the time of the booking. It is also possible to select No Cancellations from this drop-down to block Clients from Cancelling Online Bookings.
9. Select the Time Range For Bookings, which sets the maximum time range that Clients can make Online Bookings into the future.
10. Choose whether to Show or Hide the duration of bookings under Bookings Duration.
Selecting Online Booking Settings
1. Set the Location name that will appear on the Online Bookings page.
2. Select the Confirmation Message Type as either Email or Email and SMS. This is the type of confirmation message the Client will receive after creating their Online Booking.
If the SMS option is enabled, this will cost SMS Credits. For more information about purchasing SMS Credits please click here.
3. Choose to receive Notifications in the Message Centre following a Booking or a Cancellation. It is recommended to tick both options.
4. Select if a Client Form will be sent to the Client after the booking next to Intake.
5. Add Terms such as cancellation policies that Clients will need to acknowledge prior to confirming their Online Booking.
- Select Text to type the Terms and Conditions directly into the text box.
- Select Link to add a link to your website where such terms and conditions are already accessible.
6. Select the type of Consent for SMS and Email Reminders and Marketing that will be displayed for the Client to choose from.
7. Set an optional Email Message to be sent to the client.
8. Choose whether or not to allow the 'Send us an enquiry' form on the Online Booking page by selecting Enable or Disable.
9. Set an optional Container ID for Google Tag Manager.
10. Set an optional Measurement ID for Google Analytics.
11. Set an optional Facebook Pixel ID.
12. Set a Cookie Policy URL for use with Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel.
13. At Post Booking:
- Select Custom Message to type in the last message you'd like your Client to see after completing an Online Booking, such as a 'Thank You' message, or
- Select Redirect to URL instead to enter a URL to direct the Client to after they complete an Online Booking, such as a link to your website's homepage.
Matching Providers / Services / Classes
1. In the table under Available Types, tick the Services under each Provider’s name to make them available for Online Bookings.
2. Click on the Classes tab to select the Classes under each Provider’s name to make them available for Online Bookings.
Hot Tips
Click on the Provider's Name to select all Available Services or Classes at the same time.
3. Click Save Changes.
If a Staff member, Service or a Class isn't displayed in the table, go back to the specific Staff, Services or Classes setup page and click the Enable Integrations option and Save Changes.
Reordering Locations
The order in which Locations appear on the Online Bookings pages can be customised.
1. Go to Setup.
2. Click Online Bookings - New under Extensions.
3. Open the list of Active Online Bookings Locations.
4. Click on the Up-Down Arrow and drag the Location tab Up or Down the list. The Location at the top of the list will be the first one that displays on the Online Bookings page when viewing all Locations.
Reviewing Location Setup
1. Verify that the Location displays in the Active tab.
2. Verify that the quantities of Services (including Classes) and Providers are accurate.
3. Repeat these steps for each Location.
Once this step in done, Generate a Link for the Online Booking platform to add to your website and share with Clients.