In Nookal, all individual appointments and sessions are referred to as Services. Nookal users can set as many different Services as required so that duration, pricing, item code, etc. are accurate for booking, invoicing and reporting purposes.
Below explains how to create services, what goes in each field and how they are used.
1. Go to Setup.
2. Click Services under Items.
3. Click Create Service.
Essential Details
4. Add a Service Code. Service codes will be displayed on invoices and should match exactly any code required by third-party payers to pay for Services. They do not have to be unique, and can be used on multiple items.
The Accounting Code is used within select financial reports and integrations as a way to identify those items for accounting. It does not have to be unique and can be used on multiple items. The Accounting Code is not required upon creating a service.
5. Add a Name. The name is for internal use only. It will not be displayed on invoices so it can be useful to add more details here if needed (e.g. price of service, specific practitioner or location providing the service, etc.)
6. Add a Description. The Description will be displayed on the invoice. It should match the requirements of any third-party payers.
7. Select a Category the Service belongs to. Categories are used for sorting and reporting purposes.
To add a new Category:
1. Scroll through the Category field until you find Create a New Category.
2. Type in the Category Title.
8. Set a Colour for the Service. The Colour will be displayed in the Diary when this Service is booked.
9. Set the Duration in minutes. The Duration will automatically be blocked in the Diary for this Service when it is booked.
10. Add a Price for the Service.
If the price includes Sales Tax, tick the incl. Tax box. This will ensure that the Tax report can be generated accurately.
11. Once the above settings have been configured, click Create Service or keep going with additional options below.
Additional Options
1. If using Passes (packages, bulk buy...) in Nookal and these can be used to pay for this specific Service, tick Allow Redemptions so that the option to use a pass is displayed at the time of generating the invoice.
2. If there are many Services and practitioners to manage, it is possible to specify which practitioners provide a certain Service so that it comes up at the top when booking a Client with a practitioner. Click in the Providers field to select the Provider(s).
3. If there are many Locations and some Services are only used in specific Locations, click Selection next to Locations and tick the appropriate locations.
4. If using Online Bookings or other Integrations for this Service, tick Enable Integrations and fill the extra fields.
5. Once this is all done, click Create Service.