An Event is used to reserve time in the Diary for anything that does not involve Clients, such as training, administration time, case reviews, meetings or a continuing professional development (CPD) task.
1. Click on the Diary column of a practitioner at the time/date the Event should start.
2. Click Event in the pop-up window.
3. Add a Title to the Event.
4. Select a Category. You can either select an existing category or choose to Create a new Category.
Hot Tips
If a New Category is created while scheduling an Event, this new category will be added to the Events section in Setup > Items > Events.
5. Add an address in the Where field if the Event takes place somewhere other than the Business Location. (optional)
6. Select the End Time of the Event. The Date and Start Time of the event match the selection in the Diary so they shouldn’t need to be changed.
7. Add Notes to the Event. (optional)
8. Beside Lock, select who can modify the event (e.g. anyone or the organiser only).
9. Add more participants by selecting additional Providers.
10. Click Create Event.
If it is a Recurring Event, see Creating a Recurring Event for further assistance.