Creating a Recurring Event is a quick way to block out the same time in the Diary every day or week for a specific Event.
To create a Recurring Event, first, create a single Event. Once an Event is created, follow the steps below to recur this Event.
1. Click on the Event.
2. Add or Remove Participants by ticking/unticking the corresponding boxes on the Participants list. (optional)
3. Click on the Timetable tab.
Hot Tips
It is possible to add more repetitions to an Event already having a few reccurence. After getting to Timetable tab, click Add Events to expand this section.
4. Select for which Days the event will be booked.
5. Select Event Frequency.
6. Choose how often this Event will Repeat.
7. Click Check Availability to confirm all participants are available.
8. Occupied Dates for participants will be unticked automatically, tick them individually or click Select All if appropriate.
9. Click Add to Timetable.
All Events will be added to each participant's Diary.