A Provider or Registration number is required to be able to add a Provider to invoices.
In addition, a Provider or Registration number is usually required for clients to be able to claim money back from their sessions.
It is also possible to set Business Numbers for some staff members such as ABN, CA or GST No. if required to have them on invoices for this provider.
Below explains how to set up these numbers.
Hot Tips
Set up different provider numbers for the same provider and link them to the appropriate Location or Third Party Payer so the right number will be picked when generating invoices.
Adding a Provider Number
1. Go to Setup.
2. Click Staff under Users.
3. Click on the Staff member Name.
4. Tick the Provider box if not already ticked.
5. Click Add New next to Registration.
6. Add the Provider Number / ID or Registration Number and click Next.
7. Select the Location (all or a single) and click Next.
8. Select the Type of Payer this number will be used for and click Next.
9. The Provider Number will be shown on the Staff member page, click Save Changes at the bottom-right corner.
Removing a Provider Number
If you have made a mistake in a provider number or a provider number is not required anymore, you can delete it.
1. Head to the Staff member page.
2. Click on the minus icon next to the number that needs deleting.
3. Click Save Changes.
Adding an Additional Registration Number
If a different registration number is needed on invoices in addition to the Provider Number for specific Providers such as business number or sales tax number, follow the steps below add it.
1. Head to the Staff member page.
2. Click on the Staff member Name.
3. In the Registration section, click in the Invoices use the Location Registration field to expand the dropdown list.
4. Select Invoices use an additional Registration.
5. Select the appropriate Type of Registration.
6. Add the additional Registration Number.
7. Click Save Changes at the bottom-right corner.
The additional Registration Number will be added in the Provider details column on the invoice along with the Provider Name and Number.