Once Physitrack is connected to Nookal for exercise programs, you can follow the steps below to add the Physitrack Telehealth tool.
Before you start...
If Nookal isn't connected to Physitrack, click here for more details on the initial steps.
1. In Nookal, go to Setup.
2. Click Integrations under Connections.
3. Click Configure.
4. Enable Physitrack Telehealth.
5. In Physitrack, go to My Account > Settings and tick Enable API access to my account.
If you can't find the Enable API access to my account option, you can contact Physitrack for them to activate this option.
6. Copy the API Key.
7. Click Save Changes.
8. Back in Nookal, go to the Physitrack integrations page (Setup > Connections > Integrations > Physitrack) and paste the API in the Physitrack API Key field for the appropriate Provider.
Hot Tips
Every Provider wanting to use Physitrack Telehealth consultation from Nookal will need to have their Physitrack API Key added to Physitrack's integration page in Nookal and to add their Nookal API Key in their Physitrack's Settings section.
9. Click Get Template to choose a default template from the Physitrack account for video consultations.
The template needs to have "video" in the title to be listed in the list to choose from.The default template will be created in the Client's Physitrack account. If the Client doesn't already have an active template, an active template is required to start a call.
Once the API key is added and the video template selected, changes are saved automatically, and video consultations are ready to be launched.