Before you start...
Setting up the Tyro Health Online integration is essential prior to processing any payments or claims for icare via Tyro Health Online.
Adding Claimable Services and Classes
Once Tyro Health Online is linked to Nookal, Services and Classes will need to be set as Claimable.
1. Go to Setup > Items > Services.
2. Click on the Service to open the details' page.
3. In the Integrations section, tick the box "is Claimable" next to Tyro Health Online.
Enable Integrations needs to be ticked for the item to be able to claim it with Tyro Health Online.
4. Click Save Changes.
5. Repeat for all claimable Services and Classes.
6. Once the items are set as claimable, go back to Setup > Connections > Integrations > Tyro Health Online > Configure.
7. Click on the icare tab.
8. Add the specific iCare Code for each item claimable with icare.
9. Once all the codes are added, click Save Custom Codes.
Submitting icare Claims
Before submitting iCare claims through Nookal, you must ensure that the provider's SIRA number is attached to their Staff Record in Tyro Health Online. Learn how to add SIRA number to a staff member in Tyro Health Online.
1. In the Diary, open the booking and click Generate Invoice on the top right-hand side of the appointment.
2. Edit or add items if required and click Pay with Tyro Health Online.
3. Select icare.
4. Click Setup to expand the section in which some required DVA claiming details will be pre-filled from information in Nookal.
5. Enter or edit any icare missing or inaccurate information.
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icare details will be saved for future claims.
6. Tick the Item and click Pay with Tyro Health Online.
7. The Tyro Health Online portal will open. Verify or fill in required details and click Submit Claim.
8. The invoice will be submitted and the status will be set as Pending. Any action can be seen in the History tab. The paid amount will be added on the invoice automatically once icare has processed the claim.