If using SMS Messages with Nookal for appointment reminders and other communication, Clients can reply to these messages, and the replies are received in Nookal.
SMS replies are free.
Replies will be received as a notification in the Notification panel at the bottom of the Diary. They will also be saved under the Client Messages history.
It is recommended to establish a protocol to Dismiss notifications needing action, as they will be shown in the Diary for everyone. Once any staff member dismisses them, they are dismissed for all.
Every Location is set up to Receive SMS Replies by default. This can only be changed by contacting Nookal Support. To find this option:
1. Go to Setup.
2. Click Locations under Practice.
3. Click on the Location Name in the list.
4. In the Options section, you will see the Receive SMS option is disabled, and you will need to contact Nookal Support to change this.
Hot Tips
Replies can be tracked in two ways. 1. In the Diary, click on the Notification button. The SMS replies will look like this: 2. In the Client Profile, Click Messages.
Click here for more information on Managing Notifications.