The Medicare Report lists Invoices submitted for automated payment for Medicare and DVA via the Medicare Integration. It will show you Claim statuses and error responses, including rejected Claims.
What can you use this Report for?
Generate this Report to reconcile submissions sent through the integration and to evaluate recurring issues and error messages to rectify rejected Claims.
Filters and Options
Filters | Description |
Date | Date of the last transmission with Medicare (Claim submitted, completed or rejected). |
Locations | Invoice Location. |
Claiming Group | Claiming group to include in the Report. |
Providers | Provider selected in the claiming process to include in the Report. |
Statuses | Claim statuses to include in the Report. |
What is displayed in the Report?
- Each Claim with details such as the status and the amount paid when Completed.
Column | Description |
Date | Date of the last transmission with Medicare. |
Type | Type of the Claim (Medicare Client Reimbursement, Medicare Bulk Bill or DVA). |
Client | Name of Client claiming for. |
Provider | Provider that provided the item. |
Invoice | Invoice number. |
Status | Status of the Claim. |
Response | Error message or rejection code. |
Minor ID | ID of the Claiming Group. |
Claim ID | ID of the Claim (also visible on payment transaction on the invoice for DVA and Bulk Bill Claims). |
Transaction ID | ID of the Transaction (this is the best number to use when contacting Medicare about a Claim). |
Payment Run | Date the payment was processed and Payment ID. |
Amount | Amount paid by Medicare to the nominated bank account. |
Hot Tips
If the Claim is a Client Reimbursement, the expected Client Medicare rebate will be displayed in the Amount Column. If the Claim is set as Completed, the Client should have received the rebate they were entitled to.