The Discounts Report displays any Discounts that have been applied to items when generating an invoice.
What can you use this Report for?
Generate this report to identify recurrences, track the popularity of promotions and to review staff actions.
Filters and Options
Filters | Description |
Date | Discount processed within the timeframe. |
Locations | Invoice Location. |
Providers | Provider attributed to the item that has been discounted. |
What is displayed in the report?
- The Summary table displays the total amount discounted for each category of items.
- Each discount processed is displayed in a separate row with the Total amount at the bottom of the details table.
Column | Description |
Date | Date the discount was applied which is the date the item was added. |
Client | Name of the Client the Discount was applied to. |
Location | Invoice Location. |
Invoice | Invoice number the Discount was applied to. |
Invoice Date | Date of the Invoice the Discount was processed for (regardless of the item date). |
Provider | Provider attributed to the Item that has been discounted. |
Added By | Staff member who applied the Discount. |
Item | Item the discount was applied to. |
Amount | Amount deducted from the Item Total following the Discount. |
Tips and Tricks
Discounts can only be added when adding an item to an invoice so if an adjustment is made at a later stage, it will be displayed in the Adjustments Report.