The Client Statistics Report presents analytical statistics of Clients per-Provider that have attended for consultations, such as the number of New Clients.
What can you use this Report for?
Generate this report to assess and compare Provider KPIs and statistics for Services in each Location.
Filters and Options
Filters | Description |
Date | Services scheduled within timeframe. |
Locations | Location of Service to include in the report. |
Providers | Provider providing the Service to include in the report. |
Services | Select All or only Specific Services to include in the report. |
What is displayed in the report?
- The Summary table displays statistics per Location.
- Below are tables for each Discipline of provider, where each Provider is displayed with their statistics in a different row for each Location.
Column | Description |
Provider | Provider who provided the Service. |
Location | Location of the Service. |
Consultations | Number of Services provided (includes pending bookings). |
Unique Clients | Number of Unique Clients that attended a consultation (exclude DNA and Cancellation). |
New Clients | Number of Clients that attended their first consultation within timeframe (exclude DNA and Cancellation). |
NCVA | Total Services divided by Total New Clients. |
Hot Tips
A Unique Client is considered to be 1 person. So, for example, should the same client visit the practice for 3 services within the reporting timeframe, they would be considered as 1 Unique Client in the context of this report.