On the right-hand side of every Nookal page is a Pin icon. Clicking on this icon will open up the Tasks area, where users within the same Nookal account can assign Tasks to one another, update the completion status of Tasks, and view Set and Archived Tasks.
Assigning Tasks
1. Click on the Pin icon to expand the Tasks area and click Create New.
2. Select a Location and pick All Staff or a Selection of staff as recipients.
3. Enter a Priority (None, Low, Medium or High).
4. Select a Due Date or leave blank if not required.
5. Enter the Task Name.
6. Enter the Task Details.
7. Click Create.
The Task will now be viewable in the Set Tasks area.
Managing Tasks
The Tasks area comprises of 3 sections - My Tasks, Set Tasks and Task Archive.
My Tasks
1. Tasks that have been assigned to you by other Staff can be viewed by clicking on My Tasks.
2. Click anywhere on the Task card to expand it, or leave it as is to see a preview.
3. Unread Tasks will be displayed with a grey background and a black pin icon.
4. After expanding the Task you can view more details and update the Completion Status (Not Started, In Progress, or Complete) by selecting an option from the drop-down and clicking Save. If the Task is assigned to multiple Staff you will also see the Completion Status of those Staff.
5. Individual Tasks can be printed by clicking on the Printer icon.
6. Tasks can be deleted by clicking on the Trash icon. This will move the message to the Task Archive section.
7. Type into the Search bar to locate Tasks using specific keywords.
8. Click the Refresh button to check for new Tasks.
9. Tasks are limited to 20 items per page. Use the Forward and Back arrows to navigate through pages of Tasks.
Set Tasks
1. Tasks you have assigned can be seen by clicking on Set Tasks.
2. Check the Status of Set Tasks by expanding the Task. The Status will be either Not Started, In Progress or Complete.
Task Archive
Tasks you have deleted can be viewed in the Task Archive. If you have deleted a Task by accident, you can reinstate it to its previous place (My Tasks or Set Tasks) by clicking Restore.
Task Settings
To access your Task Settings click on the Settings icon pictured below.
Task Settings allow Task views to be ordered by Due Date, Creation Date, Status or Priority, as well as Show or Hide the Task Archive. Once the preferred settings are selected, click Save & Close.
Print Task List
Click on the Printer icon to print a list of Tasks from the Task section that is currently open.