On the right-hand side of every Nookal page is a Letter icon. Clicking on this icon will open up the Mail area, where users within the same Nookal account can send internal mail to one another, as well as view Sent and Archived Mail.
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Sending Mail
1. Click on the Letter icon to expand the Mail area and click Create New.
2. Select a Location and pick All Staff or a Selection of staff as recipients.
3. Enter a Priority (None, Low, Medium or High).
4. Enter a Subject.
5. Enter a Message.
6. Click Send when ready.
Using Mail
1. The red counter under the Mail icon indicates how many Unread Mail messages have been received.
2. To view Mail that has been sent to you by other staff, open up Mail and click on My Mail.
3. Click anywhere on the Mail card to expand it, or leave it as is to see a preview.
4. Unread Mail will be displayed with a grey background and unopened letter icon.
5. After expanding the Mail card you can quickly Reply All.
6. Mail can also be replied or forwarded to individual users separately. Click on the 3 dots in the top-right of your Mail message to access these options.
7. Individual messages can be printed by clicking on the Printer icon.
8. Mail can be deleted by clicking on the Trash icon. This will move the message to the Mail Archive section.
9. Type into the Search bar to locate Mail using specific keywords.
10. Use the Filter toggle to Search Unread Items only. Please note, this only applies to the My Mail section.
11. Click the Refresh button to check for new Mail.
12. Mail is limited to 20 items per page. Use the Forward and Back arrows to navigate through pages of Mail.
Sent Mail
Mail you have sent to other Staff can be seen by clicking on Sent Mail.
Mail Archive
Deleted Mail can be viewed in the Mail Archive. If you have deleted Mail by accident, you can reinstate it to its previous place (My Mail or Sent Mail) by clicking Restore.
Mail Settings
To access Mail Settings click on the Settings icon pictured below.
Mail Settings allows Mail views to be ordered by Creation Date or Priority, as well as Show or Hide the Mail Archive. Once the preferred settings are selected, click Save & Close.
Print Mail List
Click on the Printer icon to print a list of Mail from the Mail section that is currently open.