With Nookal it's easy to insert Images, such as patient X-rays, charts and photographs, into Letters.
Upload Images
To start adding Images to Letters, the image first needs to be uploaded to Nookal. There are two areas you can use to upload images to:
1. For any images specific to the Client, simply upload the Image to the Clients > Documents section by following the instructions outlined here.
2. For any images specific to the Provider or Practice, upload the image to Shared Files in your Staff Profile.
Adding Images to Letters
After you've uploaded your images, they will now be accessible from the letter writing section in the client's profile. To start adding your images to letters:
1. Start writing a letter from the Clients Profile.
2. Make sure your cursor is on the spot in the letter that you want your image to be added to.
3. Click on the Camera icon.
3. Select an image from either the Documents or Shared Files menus
4. The image will now appear in your letter ready for sending!
Hot Tips
To resize an image, click on the image in your letter and use the resizing options on the images border to click and drag to the desired size.