Adding portions or even an entire Clinical Note entry to your Letter is as straightforward as clicking a button. Read on to find out how.
Adding The Full Entry
To add a whole Clinical Note entry to your Letter, you'll need to:
1. Start by Creating a Letter. If you're unsure of how to do this, check out our existing Help Article Writing a Letter.
2. At the top of the Clinical Note entry you'll find this small 'Copy to Letter' button. Select this button to add the entry to your draft Letter.
Adding A Section Of An Entry
If you only want to add specific portions of your Clinical Notes to your Letter you can do the following
1. Again, you'll need to have a Draft Letter open in the client's Clinical Notes section of Nookal. If you're unsure of how to do this check out our existing Help Article Writing a Letter.
2. In the top right corner of each section of the Clinical Note is the 'Copy This Section To Letter' button. Select this button to add this section of the entry to the letter.
You can repeat this as many times as needed.
Hot Tips
You can use either of these options to copy your Clinical Charts across to your letter too!