The Accounts Section contains all the details about invoices and payment for a Client.
It is possible to find invoices, record a payment, edit, merge or void an invoice and generate a statement.
See below how to access and use the Client Accounts section.
From the Diary
1. Click on a client’s Appointment.
2. In Classic View, click on Client Info.
3. Click on Client Accounts.
Hot Tips
In Fresh View, click on the Client Tab. Click on Clients Accounts.
From the Clients Section
1. Head to the Clients section.
2. Key-in client information in the appropriate text box. See Finding a Client's Profile for more details.
3. Click on the client’s name.
4. Click Accounts on the left side menu.
What is in the Client Accounts section?
1. At the top of the page, you will find the Client’s name.
2. The four boxes below provide a quick glance at the overall Client Accounts:
- Invoiced: the total amount invoiced
- Paid: the total amount paid in the client's account including invoice payments (from the Client and Third Party. This includes Account Credit if applicable)
- Credit: Amount overpaid on an invoice or amount added in Account Credit that hasn’t been used to date. If there is a credit, it will be shown in green. To know more about adding account credit see Adding an Account Credit.
- Balance: Outstanding amount to be paid in the invoice(s) without taking into account Account Credit. If there is an outstanding balance, it will be shown in red
3. The Invoices tab shows in parentheses how many total Invoices (including account credit) have been created in the account and all the relevant information in columns:
- Date: Date of the Invoice, either the date the invoice was generated or the date that was put in. See Editing an Existing Invoice for assistance with changing the Date of an Invoice.
- Invoice: Invoice Number or Credit Number.
- Location: Location where the Invoice was created, either the location of the appointment or the active location in the diary when creating an Ad-hoc Invoice. The location cannot be changed once the invoice is generated.
- Case: Case linked to the invoice. See Editing an Existing Invoice for assistance with changing the Case on an Invoice.
- Provider: The Provider is automatically added when the invoice is generated from an appointment. Once the invoice is generated, the Provider can be changed for each line item, see Editing a Line Item for assistance with changing the Provider.
- Payer: Type of Payer, either Private for the client or the name of the Third Party in charge of paying the invoice. The Payer can be changed once the invoice has been raised. See Editing an Existing Invoice for assistance with changing the Payer on an Invoice.
- Total: Invoice payable amount after adjustment if applicable.
- Paid: Amount already paid on invoice.
- Credit: Amount overpaid on an invoice or added as an Account Credit.
- Balance: Outstanding amount to be paid on invoices, shown in red.
- Sent: This box is to help you keep track of the invoices that have been sent. It is not automatic so you need to tick this box manually once the invoice has been sent.
4. To find specific Invoices or Credits, key in information from any columns in the search box.
5. Click on the up or down arrows next to any column’s title to sort the Invoices and Credits as needed.
6. The Voided tab shows all the voided Invoices or Credits with the same information contained in the Invoice tab.
7. At the bottom right are a few options regarding the Client Account.