Nookal has implemented the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) with Nookal client accounts, to create a seamless process for viewing and managing a client’s recorded medical activity.
Participating health professionals may utilise the services and information provided including personal information only in accordance with National (Privacy Act 1988, Health Insurance Act 1973, Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 and other relevant legislation), State or Territory legislation, Policy and Guidelines.
Setup AIR
1. Please note that access to AIR and Medicare 2.0 is currently only available if you have never made a Medicare or DVA claim via Nookal before.
2. In order to access the AIR in Nookal you will need to have a PRODA Account, and be Registered to Access the AIR. More information can be found here.
1. In Nookal, head into Setup.
2. Then into Integrations under Connections.
3. Next select Configure next to the Medicare/DVA Integration
4. Under the Claiming Settings Tab you'll find the Medicare AIR: setting, click the Toggle to Enable.
5. Once this is enabled, you will see that AIR has been added to the left-hand menu in the Client's Profile.
Using AIR for Existing Clients
1. To access the AIR for Existing Clients you need to Search for the Client in the Clients section of Nookal, and then select the AIR option from the left-hand menu in their Client Profile.
2. Next you'll see a pop-up menu, to access the Register you must select a Provider.
You can also add the Healthcare Provider Identifiers for both Individuals and Organisations, these fields are optional.
Then select the Arrow to proceed.
If you have visited the client and reached the AIR details section within the past 60 minutes, you will be able to skip step 2.
Hot Tip!
You can add the Healthcare Provider Identifiers for Providers under Setup > Users > Staff > Edit, and for Organisations Setup > Practice > Locations > Edit.
3. You will now be taken into the AIR Details page.
If there was an error in accessing the AIR details page you will be presented an error popup explaining the issues in detail.
The AIR Details Page
Depending on the User's Permission Level, they will see some or all of the AIR Details page.
If you have permission to Edit or Add Extra Information, the Add buttons will appear for Medical Contraindications, Natural Immunities, and to Add Encounters, as well as the button to Send Reminder.
Adding A Medical Contraindication
1. From within the AIR Details Page, Select Add in the Medical Contraindications section.
2. In the dialogue box that appears, you will need to select the appropriate options for the Vaccine, Contraindication Type, Contraindication Reason, and Anaphylaxis fields.
3. If the Contraindication Type is Temporary there will be an additional Contraindication End Date field.
If Anaphylaxis has occurred you be prompted to add a date for this as well.
4. After filling all necessary fields, select Save.
You will not be able to edit or delete the entry once it has been added.
5. You'll see the Contraindication has been added to the client AIR Details Page.
Adding A Natural Immunity
1. From within the AIR Details Page, Select 'Add' in the Natural Immunity section.
2. Select the Disease, Lab Test Date, and Diagnosis Date. Then select Save.
3. You'll see the Natural Immunity has been added to the Client's AIR Details Page
Adding A Reminder For Next Immunisation
1. From within the AIR Details Page, select Send Reminder in the Next Immunisations Due section.
2. A window will pop up to explain the criteria for sending a Reminder. If you wish to proceed with sending the Reminder select the Green Tick.
3. A Green Box will appear in the corner to notify you that the Reminder has been sent.
Reminders can only be sent for Clients under 20 years of age.
Adding An Encounter
1. From within the AIR Details Page, Select Add Encounter from the bottom right corner. This will open the Master List with all of the available encounter types
2. Click the Add on the top right corner of the Add Encounters table.
3. In the window that appears you must enter
The date the vaccine was given
The servicing provider
If the Client is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island decent, or not
If the Encounter was in Australia or Overseas
Where Applicable
Enter the school where the vaccine(s) were added
Select an overseas country where the administration occurred
You can Optionally enter the
Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual
Healthcare Provider Identifier - Organisation ID
4. Once you are ready to add a vaccine, click the Add button on the top right of the Vaccine table.
5. In the Add Episode pop up menu, you must enter
A Vaccine Code
Dose Number
You can Optionally also record
Batch Number
Serial Number
Funding Type
Route of Administration
6. Click the Save button.
7. To Submit the Encounter select the Green Add button in the bottom right of the Encounter page
8. On the Encounters list page, select the green ‘Submit’ button
9. You must confirm that the details you are submitting are correct by ticking the checkbox and then Save to Submit.
10. If the submission was successful, you will be returned to the AIR Details page.
11. If the submission was not successful you will be presented with the error.
If the error is not a critical error, you can send through a confirmation that the information is correct.
If this is successful you will be returned to the AIR Details page, otherwise you will be shown the error message again.
Updating An Encounter
1. From within the Client's AIR Details Page, you'll see a list of Encounters under the Immunisation History
2. To edit the details of an Encounter, Click on the Pencil Icon to the right of the Encounter you wish to edit.
3. You can adjust the Administration Details on this screen. To edit the Vaccine Details click on the Pencil Icon next to the Vaccine you want to edit.
4. Once the Details are correct select Update.
5. Tick the checkbox to Confirm the details are Correct, and Save.
The Encounter will be updated to reflect the amended details.
Viewing the History Statement
1. From within the Client's AIR Details Page, Select 'History Statement' from the bottom right.
2. This will present you with a formal statement on the Client's Immunisation History and any Contraindications or Natural Immunities a Client may have.
Searching AIR
You can use AIR to search for Clients that do not currently exist in Nookal.
You then have the option of adding that Client's details into Nookal, creating a Client Profile.
1. Head into Clients
2. Click the Search AIR button at the bottom of the page.
3. Select the Provider of the request and optionally enter the HPI-O or HPI-I. Click the Arrow to proceed.
4. Enter the Client’s Medicare number, or their ihi number into the appropriate field.
5. Add the client's Last Name, and their Date of Birth, then click Search
6. If the Client was found you will be redirected to the AIR details page.
If no match was found you'll be shown an error message.
7. If the Client was found, you will be presented with the option to add that Client to your Nookal account, by selecting the Add to Nookal button.