You can now complete ACC32 Forms for Approval Prior to Treatment and for Further Treatment Requests through Nookal.
Before you start...
An ACC45 claim must exist within the Clients > Cases section prior to completing an ACC32 form. For more details see Submitting a New ACC Claim.
ACC32 Request for Prior Approval of Treatment
1. Head into the Clients Profile, by Searching for the Client and clicking on their Name.
2. Click on Clinical Notes from the left hand menu.
3. Select the ACC Tab.
4. Click on the Request Approval of Treatment form.
5. Select the Claim from the dropdown menu, then Click the Green Arrow to proceed.
6. Complete the fields in the Form, then Select Save to Submit the ACC32 Form to ACC.
7. A window will appear to let you know the Document was Uploaded Successfully. Click the OK button to return to the ACC Tab.
The Form will also be saved as a PDF in the Client's Documents. A record of the ACC32 Submission will also be kept on the Client's ACC History Page.
ACC32 Request for Further Treatment (ACC7398)
Follow steps 1 to 3 above to navigate to the ACC Tab.
1. Select ACC7398.
2. Select the Claim from the dropdown menu, then Click the Green Arrow to proceed.
3. Complete all required fields, and attach any relevant files by clicking the + button at the bottom. Then Click Save to Submit the ACC32 Form and files to ACC.
4. A window will appear to let you know the Document was Uploaded Successfully. Click the OK button to return to the Clinical Notes section.
The Form will also be saved as a PDF in the Client's Documents. A record of the ACC32 Submission will also be kept on the Client's ACC History Page.
Outcome Measures
You can also set Outcome Measures for your ACC Clients to list a range of activities for assessment.
1. From with the Client's ACC Tab Select Outcome Measures.
2. Select the Claim from the dropdown menu, then Click the Green Arrow to proceed.
3. Select the Assessment Type - Initial or Follow-up.
4. Under Activity type in the first Activity and the Clients Score to the right.
5. You can add additional Activities by selecting the + button.
Add a Score for each Activity. An average score is displayed at the bottom.
6. Complete the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS).
7. If Applicable: Type in any addition Outcome Measures used and record the results.
8. Complete the Patient Declaration by clicking on the Patient Signature Field.
9. If the Client agrees to the declaration click Add Signature.
10. Repeat Steps 8 and 9 for the Provider Declaration.
11. Once all fields are completed you will be able to Select the Blue Save button.
Click Save to Submit the Outcome Measure to ACC.
12. A window will appear to let you know the Document was Uploaded Successfully. Click the OK button to return to the Clinical Notes section.
The Outcome Measure will also be saved as a PDF in the Client's Documents. A record of the Outcome Measure Submission will also be kept on the Client's ACC History Page.